The stream of Podoniftis

Just a stone’s throw from my home, quite close to Athens city center, Ποδονίφτης, a blessed stream coils through the urban landscape.

Down at the banks it really feels like being out on the country side.

Or high up on a mountain.

Closer look shows the developing of an amazing echo system

If you spare a couple of minutes to listen, you always get a true repose for the soul, as the primordial flow ceaselessly murmurs  through the concrete jungle


Day and night




Οι αρχαίοι Ριζίτες – the ancient Rizites civilization

At the Cave site of Riza, 4km north of Athens, I was given the rare opportunity to observe the ongoing archaeological excavations around the hitherto unknown to us culture of the Lilliputian ancient Rizites.

Στην τοποθεσία Σπήλαιο της Ρίζας, 4χμ βόρεια της Αθήνας, μου δώθηκε η σπάνια ευκαιρία να παρατηρήσω τις συνεχιζόμενες αρχαιολογικές ανασκαφές γύρω από τον μέχρι τώρα άγνωστο για μας πολιτισμό των λιλιπούτιων αρχαίων Ριζιτών.

Ακανθοπύριος Δ’, πολιτευτής – Akanthopyrios ΙV, statesman

Τελευταίες ανασκαφές ρίχνουν καινούργιο φως στις ελλιπείς γνώσεις μας γύρω από τον αξιοθαύμαστο αυτόν πολιτισμό.

Recent excavations are shedding new light on our until now little knowledge about this marvelous culture.

O spoudaios politeftis ton Riziton, Akanthopyrrios IV

Findings at the grave of the lilliputian statesman, Akanthopyrios IV

Important findings by the grave of the ancient great Rizites statesman, Akanthopyrios IV

Important findings by the grave of the lilliputian statesman of the Rizites, Akanthopyrios IV

Important findings by the grave of the ancient great Rizites statesman, Akanthopyrios IV

Rescent Findings at the grave of the lilliputian statesman, Akanthopyrios IV

Ο ιερός ναός – the sacred Temple

Important findings at the sacred Temple of the Rizites. Their Olympian beliefs were strongly influenced by Far Oriental mysticism

Excavations at the sacred Temple of the lilliputian Rizites. Their Olympian beliefs were strongly influenced by Far Oriental mysticism. The science of gravity were very central in their beliefs

Important findings at the sacred Temple of the Rizites. Their Olympian beliefs were strongly influenced by far oriental mystsiscism

Excavations and findings at the sacred Temple of the Rizites. Their Olympian beliefs were strongly influenced by Far Oriental mysticism

Den stora Drömjournalen – ett smakprov

Bland de första resultatet av utgrävningen i karantän:

The Dreamlog – Drömloggen

En rejäl databas med tusentals drömmar registrerade. Där finns otroligt starka bilder direkt från det undermedvetna. Märkliga platser, besynnerliga varelser, överjordiska kumpaner men också mäktiga fiender.

Ο Τρωγλοδύτης - Troglodyten

Ο Τρωγλοδύτης – Troglodyten, drömt 21 jan 1991.

Krigaren Esfahan

En allierad: Krigaren Esfahan, kommer ut ur havet


The Familiar – a well know joker of the dreamworld

Den giftiga Scolobedran

Hotfull och farlig “inre” fiende: Den giftiga Scolobedran, en blandning mest mellan skorpion och kackerlacka. Här avbildad som en bionisk insekt