At the Cave site of Riza, 4km north of Athens, I was given the rare opportunity to observe the ongoing archaeological excavations around the hitherto unknown to us culture of the Lilliputian ancient Rizites.
Στην τοποθεσία Σπήλαιο της Ρίζας, 4χμ βόρεια της Αθήνας, μου δώθηκε η σπάνια ευκαιρία να παρατηρήσω τις συνεχιζόμενες αρχαιολογικές ανασκαφές γύρω από τον μέχρι τώρα άγνωστο για μας πολιτισμό των λιλιπούτιων αρχαίων Ριζιτών.
Ακανθοπύριος Δ’, πολιτευτής – Akanthopyrios ΙV, statesman
Τελευταίες ανασκαφές ρίχνουν καινούργιο φως στις ελλιπείς γνώσεις μας γύρω από τον αξιοθαύμαστο αυτόν πολιτισμό.
Recent excavations are shedding new light on our until now little knowledge about this marvelous culture.
Findings at the grave of the lilliputian statesman, Akanthopyrios IV
Important findings by the grave of the lilliputian statesman of the Rizites, Akanthopyrios IV
Rescent Findings at the grave of the lilliputian statesman, Akanthopyrios IV
Ο ιερός ναός – the sacred Temple
Excavations at the sacred Temple of the lilliputian Rizites. Their Olympian beliefs were strongly influenced by Far Oriental mysticism. The science of gravity were very central in their beliefs
Excavations and findings at the sacred Temple of the Rizites. Their Olympian beliefs were strongly influenced by Far Oriental mysticism