Psychia – the blockchain of dreams


I ett universum bortom det vakna sinnets gränser existerar Psychia – ett miraklernas land där drömmar flätas samman i ett evigt nätverk. Psychia är både en efterlängtad fristad och en våldsam arena, där skönheten från heliga tempel och de djupblå bergen möter skuggorna från den ultimata dystopin. Det är en värld där ljus och mörker balanserar varandra och nya möjligheter ständigt tar form.

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Att gå vilse i staden får mig att vakna i … drömmen

Det började med en enkel idé: att ta sig hem. En så grundläggande mänsklig handling, en självklarhet i det vakna livet – att röra sig från en plats till en annan, att orientera sig genom välkända gator. Men här var inget välkänt, och jag förstod snart att varje steg jag tog ledde mig djupare in i en stad som vägrade släppa taget om mig.

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Skeppsvraket i trottoaren

En kall kväll, under den skarpa belysningen från stadens gatlyktor, går jag längs trottoaren i en nästan ödslig stadsmiljö. Plötsligt upptäcker jag något under fötterna: genom trottoarens till synes genomskinliga glasyta skymtar ett uråldrigt skeppsvrak, en blandning mellan en romersk galär och venetiansk fregatt. Det ligger vilande i sand och förfall, en påminnelse om något bortglömt, något dolt under ytan.

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The nCrypta Clan – Överherrarna

Klanen är en hemlighetsfull och mäktig grupp, vars existens är insvept i mysterium och präglad av mörka krafter. Deras mål är att manipulera och kontrollera drömmarnas blockkedja, och deras närvaro märks genom de symboler och dolda spår de lämnar efter sig. Klanen opererar i skuggorna, med privatarméer och strikta kontrollörer som säkerställer att deras vilja upprätthålls. Genom sina paramilitära och politiska nätverk söker de att befästa sitt herravälde, och deras agerande är både strategiskt och kallt beräknande.

Överherrarna i nCrypted Clan.
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Scolopedra – den giftiga cyborg-insekten

Brädspelets pjäser ligger utspridda över bordet, tärningarna kastade. Fingrarna är precis på väg att flytta en pjäs när en rörelse i ögonvrån skickar en iskall rysning längs ryggraden.

Blicken skärps. Sofftygets veck ser först ut som de alltid gjort – skuggor i slitna fibrer, ingenting mer. Men så rör sig något. Något som inte borde finnas där. Vecken sträcks ut, pressas isär av en lång, segmenterad kropp som långsamt kravlar sig upp ur djupet av tyget, som om soffan själv gömt den.

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The Ragged City

I utkanten av medvetandet, där drömmar vittrar till stoft och verkligheten krackelerar, reser sig Ragged City – en stad som varken är vaken eller drömmande, men fast i en evig skymning däremellan.

En gång en blomstrande metropol, nu en koloss av sönderfallande tornspiror, övergivna fabriker och förlorade drömmar. En stad som ruttnar inifrån, en plats där den gamla världen vittrat bort och lämnat en amorf rest av kriminella klaner, hänsynslösa korporationer och en befolkning i bojor av skuld och desperation.

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AI animation: Sing, Muse, of ages past, v1 (explained)

AI animation in the first newbie state. An attempt to create a short story combining various tools and platforms. Maybe I should rather say it was made entirely by AI. I only gave an initial idea and coordinated the efforts.
*sound must be on*

UPDATE: This current AI animation attempt resulted in the following more completed video o the YouTube channel of the Greek Expedition:

AI Tools used in both films:

First attempt (experimental)

Elements of AI animation in first attempt

The AI animation film consists of five elements, two image files and three sound files:

Image files:

  1. Animated image of Hercules fighting Lernean Hydra
  2. An animated super-nova explosion as background

Audio files:

  1. Clip with drums
  2. Narrators voice
  3. Longer orchestral piece with chorus

Flow chart of AI animation Hercules fighting Hydra
Flow chart – click to enlarge
*EDIT: the platform is named ElevenLabs

Analysis and explanation of flow chart

To create this film, I combined five key elements using various AI tools. The visual foundation consists of two image files: Hercules battling the Hydra and a background supernova explosion. I generated these images by prompting ChatGPT and then animating them using Runaway, layering Hercules over the cosmic backdrop.

The audio files

The audio landscape is composed of three distinct tracks. First, a rhythmic drum sound sets the tone for the battle. I crafted this by asking ChatGPT to describe the sonic atmosphere of Hercules’ clash with the Hydra, then converting the resulting text into sound effects using ElevenLabs.

Next, I introduced a narrator’s voice. For this, I prompted Claude AI to create a Homeric-inspired introduction to the battle. I then used ElevenLabs again to generate the narration, opting for a deep, British male voice that I’d previously employed in another project.

Battle of the Titans

The third audio element is an epic orchestral piece titled “Battle of the Titans.” This began as a detailed battle description from ChatGPT, which I refined and input into There, I crafted a symphonic, heroic composition complete with a chorus. Interestingly, the chorus echoes the narrator’s text, creating a powerful auditory synergy.

Put together in video-editor

With these five elements prepared, I assembled them in Final Cut Pro, though any video editing software would suffice for this straightforward compilation. I made minor adjustments to balance the audio and visuals, then added simple text for the introduction and conclusion.

The result is a completely AI-generated short film that brings the legendary battle between Hercules and the Hydra to life through a blend of visuals and sound. It showcases the potential of combining various AI tools to create engaging multimedia content.

If you have any questions about the process or the tools used, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Analysis and explanation of flow chart in sound file:

For any questions or remarks, please contact me here>>

ChatGPT analysis of Flow chart of AI animation

The flow chart of animation AI is divided into two main sections: Image Files and Sound Files.

Image Files Section

  1. Animated Image of Hercules Fighting Hydra:
    • ChatGPT: Generate text descriptions of the desired images.
    • Runway: Convert these images into an animated format.
  2. Background: Supernova Explosion:
    • This serves as the backdrop for the animated scene, enhancing the dramatic effect.

Sound Files Section

  1. Clip with Drum Sound:
    • ChatGPT: Write text describing the battle scenes.
    • Seven Labs: Create sound effects based on the textual descriptions.
  2. Narrator:
    • Claude: Generate short texts introducing the battle scene.
    • Seven Labs: Produce a sound file using the voice of an old British male, narrating the text.
  3. Symphonic, Orchestral, Heroic Music with Chorus:
    • ChatGPT: Write a longer text describing the battle.
    • Create a longer song from the text, using short texts as verses for the chorus.

Workflow Integration

The flow chart illustrates a sequential process where different AI tools and platforms are used collaboratively to produce a coherent and immersive animated film segment.

  • Step 1: Starts with generating an animated image of Hercules fighting the Hydra using ChatGPT for textual input and Runway for animation.
  • Step 2: Integrates a supernova explosion as the background to enhance the visual impact.
  • Step 3: Focuses on sound creation, where drum sounds are added to the battle scenes based on ChatGPT’s descriptions, processed by Seven Labs.
  • Step 4: Involves narration, where Claude writes introductory texts and Seven Labs produces a narrated sound file using an old British male voice.
  • Step 5: Ends with the creation of a symphonic and heroic soundtrack with a chorus. ChatGPT writes an extended description of the battle, which transforms into a full song, incorporating short texts as verses for the chorus.

This structured approach ensures that both visual and auditory elements are meticulously crafted and synchronized to create a compelling animation of Hercules fighting the Hydra, set against a dramatic supernova explosion backdrop.

The flow chart visually represents a collaborative and multi-step process leveraging various AI technologies to produce a sophisticated animated film segment, combining detailed visual animations with rich soundscapes and narrative elements.

Instrance – a mid winter pictorial narrative animation

An experimental animation of an introspective, pictorial narrative nature. It is my first humble attempt to animate a video. Created shortly before the explosion of the AI  during my second COVID-19 disease and quarantine, in January 2022.

During my second COVID-19 quarantine in January 2022, I decided to create a unique animation as a form of artistic expression and introspection. This animation, which I call “Instrance,” is an experimental journey through my personal memories and experiences, captured through a series of images and narratives.

Inspiration and Background

“Instrance” begins with an eye closing and ends with an eye opening. It aims to depict what happens internally during such a brief moment (hence the name “Instrance” derived from “instance”). In this moment, when the eyes are closed, hypnagogic images are created, which are the visuals seen in the animation. The animation seeks to capture the fleeting yet profound experiences that occur in the blink of an eye, blending personal photographs and psychedelic effects to visualize this inner world.

Creative Process

To create this animation, I used a variety of resources from free sources. I especially want to thank Creative Monkey, Videzzy, Savvas Karampalasis, and Motion Mode for their fantastic work, which provided me with high-quality images and video clips. NASA’s open image archive also contributed spectacular space images that added a cosmic dimension to the animation. Finally, I used y2mate to convert some audio files that were an essential part of the soundscape.

The music accompanying the video is a psychedelic remix I created based on a classic rebetiko song, “Περιπλανώνενη ζωή” (Wandering Life) by Vasilis Tsitsanis – one of my favorite pieces.

Rebetiko music, known for its deep emotionality and cultural resonance, was perfect for conveying the nostalgic and introspective atmosphere I aimed for. By remixing this song, I created a sound experience that is both familiar and innovative, enhancing the animation’s impact.

Themes and Message

Instrance” explores the themes of introspection and the ephemeral nature of moments. The animation delves into the internal experiences that occur in the brief instant when we blink. Through personal photographs and psychedelic visual effects, it invites viewers to reflect on the hypnagogic images that emerge during this blink, offering a glimpse into the subconscious. This animation is a journey through fleeting yet profound moments, celebrating the beauty and complexity of the inner world that unfolds in the blink of an eye.

The film also celebrates human creativity and resilience. Despite challenging times, art and creative expression can serve as powerful sources of comfort and inspiration. By sharing “Instrance,” I hope to offer a small glimmer of light in the darkness and a reminder that even in the most turbulent moments, there is beauty and hope.

Future Projects

The positive response I received for “Instrance” has inspired me to continue exploring this type of image-based narrative animation. I am already planning my next project, which will focus on the return of spring and the rejuvenating energy that comes with it. Stay tuned for updates and new here on the blog!

Thank you for taking the time to experience “Instrance” with me. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and comments.

You can find more creative projects on my entire blog here>>